The Most Important lesson every parent should teach their children

Everywhere in the world we see , hear and experience the sense of URGENCY these days starting in a child's life very early .

From the time s/he gets into a pre-school , the parents put them into various other prep classes for their overall development ( at-least that is what these classes claimed ) .

But before these skills are taught every child needs to be ingrained with the basic laws of living which would help them make them more out of their own lives than any of these prep classes.

The basic lessons or learnings a child must be given are

The Value of Discipline

Discipline is something which must be taught very early as this is a habit which if learned early remains one of the most loyal friend of a human for his life.

The best way to teach Discipline is by demonstrating it before the children and also making learn the simple habits of following daily routine of getting p and sleeping at a fixed time , meals timely etc.

With time the value of time comes with discipline automatically when the child respects his own time and other's time .

So with this one lesson , the child learns to be punctual , disciplined and respect other's time.

The Dignity of Labor

A child must be taught to do his work on his own rather than depending on others which helps him to be independent and also able to manage his things much ore effectively.

This also brings a sense of ownership to the child which helps him throughout his life.

The Value of Trust

Trust in every relation whether family , friend or professional is very important and something that must also be ingrained into the psyche of a child to have a good and dependable personality .

The Importance of Playing with full integrity over Winning with Any means whatsoever

In whatever field and whatever circumstances the child should be told to always give his best foot forward with full honesty without any compromises and making him understand that that there can only be two outcomes either he succeeds or he learns to be successful next time.

Life is to Enjoy and Experience the Journey and not only thinking about the end of the Road

Life is a never ending journey where a person takes a new path / work after one is completed starting from his birth , primary education , secondary , professional , service , business , family , social etc.

And while he thinks that each of them would make him reach his destination he finds that none does actually . So he needs to learn to enjoy the journey instead of only looking at the end always

In Terms of Importance Give Biggest Priority to Self , then Family & Friends and then to anything else

The biggest reason a person is needed is because of his ability to be useful to others for which he needs to invest in himself by keeping him healthy and sound . So first priority should be for himself. Then it is the family for which he works and who sould stand by him always and so that should be the second priority and after these two comes all other priorities in life.


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