Who is more difficult : Boss , Spouse or your Girlfriend

A sense of humour can take you to places where your all other qualities cannot .
There are lot of commonalities between the three viz Boss , Spouse and Girl Friend
- When they need you you must be available . This is given . Although they may be busy with their corporate re-structuring , meeting old friends and marriages of their friends when you want to talk respectively .
- You need to spend a lot of energy to win their confidence and you are not allowed to make a single mistake or else be ready for the consequences
- You must ensure by your acts that your basic purpose of living is for them and if they are considerate in a combination of 2 out of 3 where one option is out of question ( spouse and girl friend ) so basically left with 5 purposes ( 3 individual and 2 joint purpose ) . All other relations like siblings , friends can wait.
- The goal post keeps on changing once you reach the expected level and appraisals are totally dependent on their mood rather than the work
- Beware of appreciation as it is going to be a trap ; Boss might want you to shift to a location or role you don't need ; Spouse wants your mother-in-law to stay with both of you and Girlfriend wanting help for teaching his younger brother for his CA exams
The list can go on but I will stop and would love to hear from all of you , especially the better halfs ( as it would add that other side element ) & bosses .
Now the differences
- The spouse is someone who is more concerned about you and rightly so , though it does not means that others are not and there are exceptions too.
- The relationship between you and your boss is called professional and with other two personal . ( Though I am yet to get any right definitions and Dos and Don'ts but skipping that for the time being )
- You want to spend maximum time with your Girl Friend and minimum with your boss or wife but end up doing the opposite.
- The relationship with Boss and Wife are formal and legalized while with your girlfriend it is always informal and there is no law to legalize the same.
- Last but not the least when these relations comes to an end ( although I hope they never do ) , the biggest loss is when you relationship with wife ends and biggest gain is when it ends with your Boss/Girl Friend , depending upon their personality and your relationship with them.
Few Clarifications
- These are personal thoughts but not by personal experiences
- Girl Friend and Wife are always either/or ; both do not exist together
- The Boss is always right , but the spouse is never wrong .
- I respect all my past , present and future bosses
- I liked my ex girlfriends before I had the most wonderful person as my spouse
- I like , love and respect my spouse .